Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Lindburg Family

Dan and Rachel have been our friends for about 4 1/2 years now. We met them through a group pre-marital counseling session at Church. It was so fun going once a week and seeing them and getting to know them. After the class we both called each other to hang out, both of us were anxiously waiting to tell the other couple that we were engaged. We watched them become Husband and Wife and Dan was a groomsmen at our wedding. Almost two years ago they had their daughter Lileigh and I must say they make a beautiful baby ;) She is just adorable. We love these guys so much and look forward to what the future has in store for our friendships!!!

We went to Newport Beach with them last week and they so graciously let me use their faces for some practice. Hope you enjoy.

First shot of the day.This is my favorite of the day.

I love this one of Rachel!!

Thank you Dan, Rachel and Lileigh!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Point and Shoot.

I have always dreamed of a life in front of the camera. That dream has never quite taken off so I have now started to stand behind the camera and let others entertain me, rather than me them.

It is a new talent that I would like to learn so I will be borrowing my family and friends to use as subjects. As I learn and grow I would like your feedback and opinions so please let me know what you think. Yes I know Criticism Sucks, but that is why I ask you to type it not say it aloud, this way I can imagine you saying it in a sweet loving voice and my ego wont get to wounded.

I am clearly close to being a professional.....I look like a natural behind the camera, right??

And if for whatever reason, you are willing to spend an hour letting me point and shoot in your direction let me know.......loves

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Red Leaf

My Life began
When I entered this world on October 6, ~When the leaves were red.

My Good Life began,
When I married my husband on October 22, ~ When the leaves were red.

A New Life began,
When I gave birth to our first child on November 1, ~ When the leaves were red.

Red Leaves are a reminder of all things new and good in my life. That is why I have chosen to call my pictures Red Leaf Photography.